Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Identifying Numbers 1 to 30 Game
Taterz Quiz-O-Rama - Taterz is all set to study for her quiz, and she needs your help! The quiz is on identifying numbers from 1 to 30. It's a fun and interactive way to get better at recognizing these numbers. Every time you choose the correct number, Taterz rewards you with an egg. It's a win-win – Taterz gets to ace her quiz, and you get to sharpen your number identification skills. Plus, there's the added joy of collecting eggs for every correct answer. So, are you ready to join Taterz on this exciting quiz journey? Let's help Taterz, learn numbers, and collect as many eggs as possible!
Common Core Standards
Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
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