1st Grade Addition Facts Games
Addition facts and math fluency is child's play with Mindly's addition games! With zany characters and a variety of math games for kids, your child will love practicing their math facts. Breaking addition facts into smaller groups like addition within 5, then addition within 10, and so on builds a solid foundation.Play now and see how much fun addition facts mastery can be!
1st Grade Addition Facts to 10 Games

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Decomposing Numbers to 10 Game
Join the interactive math quiz! Help Taterz in her quiz by decomposing one-digit numbers to 10 in Taterz Quiz-O-Rama. Fun and learning, all in one!

Space Race | Decomposing Numbers to 10 Game
Propel your spaceship to victory by correctly decomposing one-digit numbers up to 10 in this engaging learning game!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition to 10 Game
Join Taterz in a fun quiz session! Learn addition facts up to 10 and help Taterz collect eggs in Taterz Quiz-O-Rama

Ms. Math's Time Machine | Addition Doubles Facts to 5 Game
Learn doubles facts to 5 with Ms. Math and build a solid foundation for addition facts.
1st Grade Addition Facts to 20 Games

Numberman's Pizza Party | Addition within 20 Game
Make learning addition within 20 fun with fun with silly games like Numberman!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Composing Teen Numbers Game
Practice composing teen numbers with Taterz and her collect eggs as a prize!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Tens and Ones Game
Join Taterz in a fun math adventure! With Taterz Quiz-O-Rama: Adding Tens and Ones, kids learn addition in an engaging and straightforward way.

Ice Cream Bonanza | Addition within 20 Game
Scoop up some fun with Ice Cream Bonanza! Boost your Addition within 20 skills while helping Waffle eat delicious ice cream.